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You Have Been Phished

You are seeing this page because the IT team has phished you. Below are some helpful hints on how to prevent getting phished in the future

- Check the Sender's Email Address

- Look for Grammatical and Spelling Errors

- Hover Over Links Before Clicking

- Beware of Urgency or Threats

- Never Give Out Personal Information

- Report Suspected Phishing Attempts

Below is how you would report a Phishing email to the IT team. By doing this, you will receive an email stating if we think it is spam,bad actor or clean.

Outlook on the Web
Office App
Mobile Outlook

Reporting with On the Web Outlook

1. in the menu bar you should see a report icon
2. If you hit the down arrow you can report as phish or report as junk
3. After you report the email as phishing it will go into your deleted folder
    a. If you accidentally selected a email as phishing, it will be in your deleted folder
    b. To recover the email and put it back in your inbox
        i. Right click the email in the deleted folder and click restore
4. After you report the email as phishing or spam it will send the IT department an email of the suspicious for analysis

5. When the IT department has looked at the email we will deem it as phishing, spam or clean. You will receive an email with the result

Reporting with Office App

1. in the expanded menu bar you should be able to see report phishing or message
2. if it is not in the menu bar you can go top All apps to see it there
by clicking either of the buttons a popup will appear to confirm the message as phishing or spam
4. click report will report the message. 3. After you report the email as phishing it will go into your deleted folder
    a. If you accidentally selected a email as phishing, it will be in your deleted folder
    b. To recover the email and put it back in your inbox
        i. Right click the email in the deleted folder and click restore
4. After you report the email as phishing or spam it will send the IT department an email of the suspicious for analysis

5. When the IT department has looked at the email we will deem it as phishing, spam or clean. You will receive an email with the result

Reporting with mobile outlook

1. When in outlook email on mobile phone, go into one of your emails and you will see three dots
2. After you hit the three dots a menu will come from the bottom of the screen and you should see the two icons that say something about phishing
3. When selecting the report message as phishing you will get the next screen, just select report and it will send the IT a email of your phishing email for for analysis
4. When they are done with analysis a email will be sent back to you from us telling you the results (Sometimes)